About William Nunn Painting
Since William Nunn Painting was founded in 1974, we have helped hundreds of Twin Cities homeowners make their visions a reality.
We have built our business on the referrals of countless loyal clients who appreciate our attention to detail and hands-on touch. Our longtime clients also understand the importance of using our services for ongoing maintenance and upkeep to maintain the value of the work.
We specialize in both old and new homes, residential and commercial buildings.
Painting Services Backed By Excellence
At William Nunn Painting, we guarantee your satisfaction. We back up our tradition of excellence by maintaining all insurance required by the state of Minnesota for your peace of mind. This includes general liability, business vehicle, and workmen’s compensation insurance. Our professional painting team consists of experts at interior painting, exterior painting, wood finishing, and many additional types of finishes.
Dedicated Year-Round Minneapolis Professional Painting Contractors
The team of craftsmen at William Nunn Painting includes the owner and experienced employees who are with the company year-round. We are not made up of seasonal, uninsured subcontractors looking for cash.
We are a proud, longtime sponsor of “This Old House” on PBS, showing our commitment to the community. Our business has grown during the last 32 years, but we have worked hard to maintain our personal service and build lasting relationships.
“I see paint and the condition of one’s home and surroundings as a litmus of vitality, and I am always excited to help people and businesses enhance their daily lives.” —Bill Nunn
For a start, see examples of many types of interior wall finishes that we offer.