Southeast Historic Minneapolis Neighborhood Window Restoration Project

Southeast Historic Minneapolis Neighborhood Window Restoration Project

Southeast Historic Minneapolis Neighborhood Window Restoration Project

After: This front window is featured as the Southeast Historic Neighborhood window painted and chosen for the logo. Every component – from glass to frame to window insets – is completely renovated and painted to historic standards with today’s top-quality painting products. Like many other homeowners, this family determined it is better to restore and paint existing windows than to replace them with new.

Restoring and Painting a Southeast Minneapolis Home

William Nunn Painting is your Historical Home Restoration Specialist in Minneapolis. We specialize in the care and restoration of your historical home and have completed many of the Twin Cities’ finest historical home renovation painting projects. We are Twin Cities certified lead-based paint specialists and the only Minnesota Fine Paints of Europe certified painting contractor. If your historical home is in need of a fresh coat of paint. trust it to William Nunn’s skilled staff.

For example, homeowners living on Fifth Street Southeast Historic District in the Marcy Holmes neighborhood of Minneapolis can boast popular 19th-century decor that is in high demand. We offer our painting service to all Minneapolis neighborhoods and cover all types of residential homes.

Your choice of exterior paint colors for Minneapolis historic houses is a very subjective topic. As professionals in this niche, we are familiar with choosing colors that fit the Victorian era and where to find them. Color schemes that please some homeowners might give you fresh color ideas. In our experience, some color schemes enhance the look of a historic house more than others.

Restoring historic home's windows in Southeast Minneapolis neighborhood
Restoring historic home ‘s windows in Southeast Minneapolis neighborhood

Careful Preparation Before Painting Minneapolis Historic Home’s Window Frames

When your home has exceptional features, it is often of greater value to restore and paint your wood windows over the option of buying new ones.

Before: This Minneapolis historic window is on the home’s front in a Southeast Minneapolis Historic Neighborhood priced for its homes of exceptional value. At the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century, Twin Cities’ historic neighborhoods trended towards ever-larger window panes, small-paned sash windows, often with decorative wood trim inserts. Often windows of this period combined multiple small-paned upper sashes. Upper sashes from this period sometimes incorporate stained glass – a feature that attained vogue status well into the 1930s.

Examining Area of Paint Failure

A leading indicator of paint failure is found by determining the location of areas of excessive moisture is the condition of the paint. William Nunn exterior painting contractors examine each window individually for areas of aging paint or failure. Since excessive moisture is detrimental to the paint bond, where the home’s paint is blistering, cracking, flaking, and/or peeling usually is a clue to points of water penetration, moisture saturation, and the likelihood of paint deterioration. Failure of the paint should not, however, be mistakenly interpreted as a sign that the wood is of poor quality. The wood of the historic home deserves examination to determine if it is irreparable. Wood is frequently in amazing physical condition beneath an aged paint job. After noting areas of paint failure, the next step is to inspect the condition of the wood, particularly at the points identified during the paint examination.

We study each window for operational use beginning with the lower portions of the window frame and sash. Minnesota rainstorms can cause exterior and interior condensation that runs downward along the window, entering the home’s exterior envelope and collecting at points where the flow is blocked. According to the governments Technical Preservation Services for historic windows, “The sill, joints between the sill and jamb, corners of the bottom rails and muntin joints are typical points where water collects and deterioration begins. The operation of the window (continuous opening and closing over the years and seasonal temperature changes) weakens the joints, causing movement and slight separation. This process makes the joints more vulnerable to water that is readily absorbed into the end grain of the wood”.

If severe deterioration exists in these areas, it will usually be apparent on visual inspection, but other less severely deteriorated areas of the wood may be tested by two traditional methods using a small ice pick. Click to view the end result after painting this exceptional historic southeast Minneapolis window.

Historic Profile: The Fifth Street Southeast Historic District exhibits popular nineteenth century architectural styles built by influential citizens of Minneapolis. Primarily centered along Fifth Street Southeast extending from 4 th Avenue to I-35W, the district generally includes those properties facing Fifth Street, in addition to a few properties facing Fourth and Sixth Street Southeast. During the early years of St. Anthony and after the merge, Fifth Street Southeast remained one of the finer streets of residence. Many of the people who resided in this neighborhood were merchant families originally from New England. The flour and milling industry drew these early residents to St. Anthony and Minneapolis.” –

Our paint restoration crew considers it a privilege to support the home maintenance needs of Southeast historic homeowners!

A Specialist In Minneapolis Historic Home Painting

William Nunn Painting specializes in the care and restoration of Minneapolis historic homes; many of the Twin Cities finest historical home renovation painting projects are now in our work portfolio. Take time to read through our reviews and learn first hand of our best-in-class painting standards. If your historic home is in need of a fresh coat of paint, trust it to William Nunn. You will find that we offer an extensive services for interior wall finishes as well.

Learn more about the premier Minneapolis Victorian home painting contractorTo learn more, call and request details about how restoring and View before / after images of William Nunn painting’s work on historic homes. Contact us at 612 825-3875 and we will respond quickly.

Willian Nunn is proficient at: painting Minneapolis historic homes, the preservation of older homes, renovating historic windows, repair of window frames and sills, wood staining of Minneapolis historic homes, and exterior home upkeep in historic neighborhoods. He has become recognized for his vast knowledge about what it takes to maintain a home’s historic value, traditional painting techniques for historic homes, and refinishing options for historic windows.